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2    2021 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5
        2    2020 | Spectrum | Volume 14 Number 5
                                                            Anyone up for cyborgs

                                                            on the streets?

                                                            ISHIKA GHOSH              computer directly with a brain.  to the implant module wirelessly
                                                                                      This can achieve a symbiosis  via an external module. Robots
                                                              If there was a way for humanity  with artificial intelligence,  are being used successfully to
                                                            to achieve a stage where there  something he believes will be  do surgeries on animals.
                                                            were no diseases, viruses, human  essential to the survival of the   From Iron Man to The Batman
                                                            weaknesses, or any form of  species.                saga, there have been plenty of
                                                            intellectual incompetence, why   Designed to potentially cure  heroes who did not receive their
                                                            wouldn’t one want to stretch
                      WeiQi or Go, an ancient game                                    neurological diseases like  powers naturally and therefore
                                                            their hand and grasp it?
                                                                                      Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s,  portray the great leap human
                                                              Transhumanism is the  he demonstrated a small chip  beings may take into improving
        Venerable festivities: Games                        philosophy that vouches for  with tiny wires that that could  their own condition.  Superhero
        in an archaic society                               the use of bio transformative  be implanted into the human  movies make one more fearful
                                                            technologies to transform human  brain to improve interaction with  of transhumanism, rather than
                                                            to posthuman- ‘a person or entity  machines.  Recently, Neuralink  eliciting positive feelings about
                                                            that exists in a state beyond being  successfully tested a wireless  the movement. Considering
        NATALIA RISHMA            often imbued with mythic and   human.’  Elon musk is enabling  chip implant in the brain of a test  safety and how it affects the
                                  ritual religious significance.
          Games in the past commonly  Games like Gyan Chauper and   humans to achieve this through  monkey who could play video  brain, once the technology will
        had one purpose, entertainment.  The Mansion of Happiness were   Neuralink. It is a brain-computer  games with just his mind. The N1  be ready for use. The power
                                                            interface company that makes  sensor chip can be controlled by  that humans might possess is
        While active participation  developed to inculcate spiritual   brain implants connecting a  a smartphone app and connects  beyond imagination.
        was encouraged and physical  and ethical meaning in the lives
        limits put to test, the mind  of the young, while Shatranj and
        had to undergo the rigorous  WeiQi (Go) were recognized by
        procedure too. Ranging from  the military and pollical elite
        Mancala to Chess and Senet,  as a way to develop strategic
        each had cultural and geographic  thinking and mental skill.
        diversity with a set of rules and
        punishments. They became an   Human history and games
        integral part of culture, brought   are inextricably intertwined.
        people together and served the   Irrefutable evidence resounds
        purpose of passing it on to future   down through the ages that fun
        generations.              and games are not frivolous
                                  pursuits per se- instead, they
          Being a common pastime to   come naturally as perquisite             Neuralink architecture and Structure of the N1 chip
        both the elite and the royalty,   parts of being human. Through
        some games became common   the understanding of games,
        features of court culture and   we can conceptualize how
        were given as gifts. The royalty   we began to make intelligent   The Gendering of clothing
        enjoyed games which were less   choices. Simplicity is what is
        harsh but regularly spectated.   at the core of all games, and
        Opportunistic to ease political   this is what our entire purpose  SHREYA KHERA  were considered ‘shameless’ and  skirts for men were and still are
        tensions, it was used as a tool to   of being alive boils down to.            ‘not honourable’. For men, any  considered too ‘feminine’ and a
        make peace & form allies with   They arguably teach us lessons,   The debate surrounding ‘pants  clothing considered ‘feminine’   symbol of weakness. It’s high
        countries and nations     good and bad, with hind and   are masculine’ and ‘skirts are  was evidently degrading and   time to realise that clothes can

          Games such as Senet and the  foresight of how an outcome   feminine’ is more contemporary  un-manly. Interestingly, de-  be gender-fluid or a medium of
        Mesoamerican ball game were  will affect us.        than we are led to believe.  gendering of clothes is, to some   self-expression. Considering
                                                            Historically, skirts were the  extent, a function of capitalism.
                                                            matter-of-fact item for most of  When women started working in   men in skirts or gowns to not
                                                            humanity’s ancient civilizations,  factories, the owners demanded   be “masculine” proves the
                                                            on both sides of the gender divide.  they wear something more   general lack of knowledge on
          Reporting for Spectrum                            Clothes in the past have been  efficient and apt for work, unlike   fundamental history, where
                                                            both gender-fluid and elaborate.  the gowns and skirts, and pants  skirts were considered a symbol
          •  Contributing reports should be confined to a   Tunics were considered more  came into the picture. However,  of bravery.
            maximum of 250 words and must be written        efficient for battles, allowing
                                                            swift movement in the field.
            by students only.                               Pants were worn only during
          •  Accompanying pictures must have captions.      times of horse-riding, during
            Pictures without caption will not be published  winters, or manual work.
                                                              The gendering of clothes
          •  Request for coverage in Spectrum by its        is a function of capitalism.
            editorial team must be made well in advance     Companies looking for quick
            with an accompanying note and the invitation    ways to make profits advertised
            to                       different items of clothing as
                                                            being divided along the lines of
          •  Coverage of a certain event or receipt of      gender. The continued systematic
            an article does not guarantee publication.      oppression of any self-expression
                                                            of women led to the rejection of
                                                 -Editor    any clothing that brought attention
                                                            to their features. Such items          non-gender normative clothes
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