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The Newspaper of SRMIST

        For private circulation only                                                                              Volume 15 Number 8

           Pro Chancellor (Administration) of SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur, Dr. Ravi Pachamoothoo was
            conferred with a second honorary doctorate by the Lincoln University College (LUC), Malaysia. The second honorary doctoral award
             is rendered unto him for his extraordinary work to the service of education and also towards the betterment of the society. Dr. Ravi
                       Pachamoothoo received his first doctoral degree from the Day Spring University Dallas Texas, USA last year.

        SRMIST Pro Chancellor conferred with second honorary doctorate

        STAFF WRITER              Dallas Texas, USA last year.   roles and responsibilities   thanked Lincoln   with LUC for research.
                                                            of educational system is to   University College. He   The primary objective of
          Pro Chancellor            The doctorate was       manifest the divinity of each   said that any educational   this MoU is to provide
        (Administration) of  SRM   presented by the president   and every human soul.” He   institution should prepare   opportunities for global
                                  of Lincoln University
        Institute of Science and   College, Prof. Dr. Amiya   said that the role of teaches   their students to be job   learning and academic
        Technology (SRMIST),      Bhaumik. Present on the   is to remove the hindrances   creators and not seekers.   pursuit for students
        Kattankulathur, Dr. Ravi   occasion were SRMIST’s   in students life and inspire   “At SRM we believe   and faculty members
        Pachamoothoo was          Vice Chancellor Dr. C.    them to manifest the divinity  and focus on academic-  through exchange and
        conferred with a second   Muthamizhchelvan, Pro     and hidden talents.       industry collaboration. It   collaborations. SRMIHM
        honorary doctorate by the   Vice Chancellor (Medical &   “After our demise, the   is the responsibility of all   and LUC will explore the
        Lincoln University College   Health Sciences) Lt. Col. Dr.  education and social impact   educators to make sure that   possibilities of cooperation
        (LUC), Malaysia. The      A. Ravi Kumar, Registrar   that we impart to others will   students learn ethics, culture   in areas of mutual interests
        second honorary doctoral   Dr. S. Ponnusamy, Deputy   remain on earth and that   of other places and learn to   and benefits.
        award is rendered unto him   Registrar Dr. D. Antony   will be our legacy.” He then   adopt to any situation. This   The Lincoln University
        for his extraordinary work to   Ashok Kumar, International   urged students who intend   will be the justification that   College is crowned with 5
        the service of education and   Director Mr. Kartar Singh   to take up entrepreneurship   we do for our work.”  Star ranking by the Ministry
        also towards the betterment   among others.         to not give up their efforts or   Following the conferment,   of Higher Education,
        of the society. Dr. Ravi                            dreams in any situation.  SRM Institute of Hotel    Malaysia in 2017.
        Pachamoothoo received his   Appreciating the work of                          Management (SRM IHM)
        first doctoral degree from   Dr. Ravi Pachamoothoo, Dr.   In his acceptance speech,   signed a Memorandum
        the Day Spring University   Amiya Bhaumik said, “The   Dr. Ravi Pachamoothoo
                                                                                      of Understanding (MoU)             Continue to Pg. 3
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