Page 10 - Spectrum Volume 15 Issue 8
P. 10

10    2022 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 8

        Gratulace-2022, Academic

        felicitation ceremony

        STAFF WRITER                Dr. P. Arunapriya, Professor,
                                  ECE Department gave an
          “Gratulace-2022” was an  inspirational and motivating
        academic felicitation ceremony  speech to the students. She
        organised by ECE Association,  shared her experience with all
        Department of ECE, SRMIST,  the students present there and
        KTR for delivering felicitation  also suggested the students
        to the final year students and  to be a self-motivator. She
        the successful fellows of the  mentioned that positive attitude
        Department of ECE. The event  and positive environment is
        took place on 11th of May   always needed for a student to
        2022, at Sir J.C. Bose Hall,   be successful in life. She gave
        Tech Park.                her blessings to all the students
                                  and concluded her words.
          The felicitation ceremony                               PRADARSHANEE 2022 with Mr.Santosh Muruganantham, CEO-Kolapasi,
        started with a welcome address   News Letter Release     Mr. Ram N Ramamurthy, Founder and CEO - EIPP Solutions Private Limited
        delivered by the Secretary of   Dr. Shanti Prince, HOD/ECE           and Mr.Kumaran T, Co-Founder - T-REX Hybrid.
        ECE Association, Ms Keerthi  and all the faculty members
        Appana.                   present in the ceremony released
          Mr. Joel Varghese, PR Head,   the department Newsletter   Pradarshanee 2022
        ECE Association gave a report on   “Electroniker” of ECE
        ECE Association. He introduced   Association.
        ECE Association to everyone   Dr. Shanti Prince, felicitated   STAFF WRITER   a lamp lighting ceremony was  electronic stalls, clothing and
        and also brief mentioned and  the successful and bright                       performed by the esteemed  many bazaars with fun & game
        explained the events, webinars,  students of our department. She   SRM’s very own campus  chief guests and Honorable  shops as well. It was a great
        and also some talks that the  presented certificates to the rank  bazaar was organized on 4th  dignitaries. The chief guests  learning experience for the
        association organised till date.  holders. She awarded the “Best  April 2022 by the Department  of Pradarshanee 2022 were  students where they had hands-
                                  Outgoing Students” awards to  of Management Studies  Mr. Santosh Murganantham,  on experience with customer
              positive            Bhavaraju S S D Pavanakumar  (DoMS) under the banner of  CEO-Kolapasi, Mr. Ram N  attraction, customer requirement
                                  andSudeshna Achintya Das.  Udyamee, to kindle the spirit of  Ramamurthy, Founder and  learning, product placement,
                                  The participants and winners  entrepreneurship and to explore  CEO- EIPP Solutions Private
             attitude             of COMSPRO-2022 were also  the nuances of the market. An  Limited and Mr. Kumaran T,   inventory management, retail
                                                                                                                management, marketing and
                                  appreciated for their wonderful  important Highlight about this  Co-Founder - T-REX Hybrid.
                                                                                                                sales strategies that varied
                and               projects. The volunteers of  event is that the students get an  The function was presided over   largely for the fast-flowing
                                  ECE Association were also  immersive experience on how  by Dr. C. V. Jayakumar, Dean,
                                                                                                                customers. The event showed
             positive             awarded with certificates, for  trade works and how to conduct a  CET, SRM Institute of Science   to the students a glimpse of how
                                  their contribution and hard  business and explore the multiple  and Technology, Vadapalani
                                                                                                                fast moving the retail market is
                                  work towards the success of the  facets of it. Students from various  Campus, Dr. C Gomathy, Vice   and how to manage the cluster
         environment              event. Dr. Shanti Prince, HOD/  departments participated in this  Principal (Academics and   of customers and organize them
                                  ECE, delivered the felicitation  flagship event and showcased  Placements), Dr.S.Kesavan,
                                                                                                                to help serve them better.
           is always              address. She congratulated all  their business skills while also  Vice Principal (IQAC and   The event was Co-ordinated
                                                            enjoying the campus bazaar. The  Research) along with various
                                  the certificate holders, addressed
          needed for              the final year students and also   welcome address was delivered  esteemed guests. The Campus  by Dr. M. Kalaivani, Assistant
                                                            by Dr.C.Praseeda, Head Of the  bazaar had 90’s Memories stall,  Professor, DoMS and Dr. V.
                                  wished them for their bright
                                                            Department, DoMS. To symbolize  photo booth, gaming stalls,  Mohana Sundari, Assistant
                                  future ahead and motivated the
           a student              students to put in their efforts   the inauguration of the event,  fittify for health and fitness,  Professor, DoMS.
                                  in all their endeavours.
               to be              Association, Ms Debjani Guha,
                                    The joint Secretary of the
          successful              delivered a vote of thanks to all   South Zone Inter University
                                  those present in the ceremony.
              in life.              The event concluded with   Chess Valedictory Function
                                  the Indian National Anthem.
                                                            STAFF WRITER

                                                              The Depart ment of Physical
                                                            Education & Sports Sciences,
                                                            organised the South Zone
                                                            Inter university Chess(M&W)
                                                            tournament between 1st to 3rd
                                                            April 2022 at SRM IST campus.
                                                              The Valedictory function for
                                                            the said tournament was be
                                                            held on 3rd April 2022.
                                                              Dr.M.Vairamani, Dean of
                                                            School of Bioengineering ,
                                                            SRM IST, delivered Valedictory
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