Page 13 - Spectrum Volume 15 Issue 8
P. 13

2022 | Spectrum | Volume 15 Number 8   13

        4th National Inter Physiotherapy                                              World Earth Day observed

        Collegiate Sports and Cultural Fest “2022”                                    STAFF WRITER

                                                                                        World Earth Day was
                                                                                      commemorated on 22 April 2022
        STAFF WRITER                                                                  on the theme of ‘Invest in our
                                                                                      Planet”. The event was organized
          SRM College of Physiotherapy                                                by Department of Biotechnology,
        in association with the Alumni                                                School of Bioengineering,
        Association of SRM College of                                                 SRMIST Kattankulathur in
        Physiotherapy (AASRMPT)                                                       association with Unnat Bharat
        had organized a 3-days event                                                  Abhiyan 2.0 SRMIST and
        “SPORTS AND CULTURAL                                                          SRM Innovation, Incubation
        FEST 2022”. It was held between                                               and Entrepreneurship Centre
        5th May, 2022 to 7 May 2022.                                                  (SIIEC), Institute Innovation
        This fest was keenly looked                                                   Council (IIC). A virtual guest
        forward to, as the students                                                   lecture was conducted. to raise
        were eagerly waiting for the                                                  awareness on conservation
        sports and cultural fest after the                                            of nature and climate change
        pandemic. Students addressed                                                  mitigation. The speakers are Dr.P.
        around the globe belonging to                                                 Ravichandran, Prof and Head,
        various states. Around 2000                                                   Department of Plant Sciences,
        students from 23 Physiotherapy                                                Manonmaniam Sundaranar
        colleges participated in the                                                  University, Thirunelveli, Tamil
        mega event.                                                                   Nadu and Team AEREM,
          The First day of the event                                                  An Eco-innovation start up
        started with Inauguration in                                                  incubated at SIIEC, SRMIST.
        the Tech park ground, where all                                                 The gathering was welcomed
        the students gathered, Dean and                                               by Prof. R.A.Nazeer, Head,
        the organizing chairman of the                                                Department of Biotechnology,
        event, Prof.T.S. Veeragoudhaman                                               School of Bioengineering. The
        delivered the welcome address                                                 speaker was introduced by
        in the inauguration, Dr.Mohana                                                Dr.B. Samuel Jacob, Assistant   Team AEREM, Co-Founder
        Krishnan, Director, Department                                                Professor, Department of  Mr. Atul J Abraham briefed
        of Physical Education & Sports                                                Biotechnology.            about the consequences of
        Science Department of Yoga,                                                                             CO2 on human health and
        SRM IST,delivered chief                                                         Prof. Ravichandran during his   environment. The urge for
        guest address. Followed by                                                    talk shared an ample amount   maintaining the indoor air
        Dr.A.Sundaram, Dean medical,                                                  of information on conserving   quality is need of an hour in
        SRM IST delivered special                                                     the extremely endangered   a closed office or ecosystem.
        address. Chief Guest and the                                                  tree, grass and medicinal plant   Their patented product that used
        special guest ignited the Olympic                                             species that are available in the   Algae as a CO2 sequestering
        torch, released the dove and                                                  Western Ghats. Many medicinal   agent could be a future product
        declared the sports fest 2022.                                                plant varieties were identified   that maintains the indoor air
                                                                                      and biotechnological tools like
          The cultural opening in T.P.                                                plant tissue culture, protoplasm   quality at the same time solving
        GANESAN auditorium was                                                        fusion and artificial propagation   the crisis sustainably.
        headed by our honorable PROVC                                                 of these medicinal varieties. He   There are about 125
        MHS, SRMIST. Honorable                                                        have emphasized the students  participants that includes B.Tech,
        PROVC-MHS, SRM IST,                                                           and research community should  M.Tech and Ph.D., attended the
        delivered the chief guest address                                             come forward in conserving  event and the sessions were
        and declared the cultural fest                                                the nature by application of  quite interactive. Dr.B.Samuel
        2022. Around 23 colleges                                                      modern technologies thereby  Jacob addressed the gathering
        registered and the cultural  Mrs.S.F.MariyamFarzana,  Overall Sports trophy was   theextinction maybe avoided.  with the vote of thanks
        events started around 12noon.  Assistant Professor, SRM  bagged up by ACS College of
                                  College of Physiotherapy,  Physiotherapy, Chennai
          The entire sports events and
        the cultural events scheduled   SRMIST, Welcome Address   Overall Cultural trophy was
        for the day 2 and it was started   by our DEAN, SRM College   bagged up by Saveetha College
        around 6.30 am in the morning   of Physiotherapy, SRM IST.   Of Physiotherapy, Chennai.
        and the specific day’s sports   Then the chief guest address   Finally, Mr. T.N Suresh,
        events were concluded almost   was delivered by Mr.Adhav   Vice principal, SRM College
        in the midnight with the help   Arjuna, President of Tamil Nadu   of Physiotherapy, addressed
        of sincere physical directors   basketball association, General   the gathering with the Vote of
        along with our extraordinary   secretary of Tamil Nadu Olympic   Thanks for the entire Coordinating
        flood light facilities in our   association ,Vice President of   team, Faculty members and to
        sports grounds.           basketball federation of India.
                                  Then the special guest, Dr.   the management SRM IST and
          The last day of the sports   MohanaKrishnan, Director,   the Dean whole heartedly.
        events were held till 1pm and   Department of Physical Education   All the faculty members
        the cultural events were extended   & Sports Science & Department  and students of College of
        till 6.30pm followed by the   of Yoga, SRM IST delivered  Physiotherapy had worked as a
        Valedictory Function at 7pm.  the special address. Later the  team with a proactive mindset

          The valedictory function  function proceeded towards  and once again they proved
        started with the briefing of  the prize distribution for both  that “Unity will always lead
        the event by the convener  sports and cultural events.  to success”.
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